Boldon James. GDPR One Year On… What Have We Learnt?
It’s now one year on since the GDPR came in to effect – a regulation…
4 minutes read
CyberArk. Version 10.9 Extends Security to Privileged Business Users
CyberArk recently announced version 10.9 of the CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution. This release is…
3 minutes read
Trustwave. The 3 Biggest Database Threats and What Your Security Plan Should Look Like
Serving as the storekeeper of your most sensitive assets, from college admissions applications to resumes…
5 minutes read
Trustwave. So, You’ve Been Breached: 9 Steps to Mitigate the Fallout
Discovering that you’ve been the victim of a breach is never pleasant. Perhaps your customers’…
5 minutes read
GlobalSign supports newly implemented EU electronic invoicing regulation
GlobalSign (www.globalsign.com), a global Certificate Authority (CA) and leading provider of identity and security solutions…
2 minutes read
Trustwave. 5 Perfect Occasions to Carry Out a Proactive Threat Hunt
As organizations learn that sophisticated attackers are dwelling unnoticed on their networks for months –…
5 minutes read
SC Labs awards Sophos XG Firewall five stars
SC Media recently reviewed XG Firewall and awarded it their top 5-star rating across all…
1 minute read
Sophos. How Intercept X stops MegaCortex ransomware
This month, SophosLabs has been examining a new ransomware attack called MegaCortex that uses layers…
1 minute read
Boldon James. Accountability the Next Step in Data Protection
The UK’s Information Commissioner stressed in a speech that nearly one year into GDPR, the…
3 minutes read
Boldon James. How much does the average employee know about data privacy?
With the impacts and repercussions of the looming California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) on the…
4 minutes read